What is Pilates
Pilates is a form of exercise, but also a means of injury prevention and rehabilitation.
Pilates was developed and taught by Joseph Pilates from the 1920’s through to his death in 1967. Joseph Pilates was an exercise enthusiast who was also interested in lifestyle and health. He developed this system of training, which he originally named Contrology, to balance the body. It does this by strengthening the weaker, under-conditioned muscles while stretching the overworked, more dominant muscles. In challenging the deep abdominal and spinal muscles Pilates prepares the body for balanced, efficient movement. Since the manner in which the exercises are performed is much more important than the number of repetitions Pilates is done at each person’s individual fitness level. As you become more balanced, the challenges don’t necessarily increase, but change.
Pilates perfectly balances strength training with stretching.
There are six principles of Pilates: concentration, centering, breathing, control, precision and fluidity. As you master these principals you are better able to move with maximum efficiency and minimize stress on the body. Pilates focus’s on correct spinal and pelvic alignment, stabilization in order to achieve smooth movement, and proper breathing. As you continue your Pilates practice you learn to move smoothly and with control from a solid base of support.
Pilates was designed to create balance between the body, mind and spirit.
Pilates has proven itself invaluable not only as an effective form of exercise, but also as an exceptional cross-training tool. Pilates teaches control of the mind over the body so it’s excellent for skiers, snow boarders, golfers, tennis players, runners, etc. Imagine if you could initiate all of your movement from your core? You would then be able to use your body as an integrated whole, working the deeper muscles as a cohesive unit to improve your coordination and balance. Who wouldn’t want that? Whether you are a weekend warrior, an elite athlete, or someone whose goal is to be healthy and get through the day without pain, Pilates is right for you!
Benefits of Pilates
Increased muscular strength and flexibility to support safe joint range of motion.
A balance of strength and flexibility of the muscles of the abdomen and back.
Healthy hips, knees and shoulders.
Improved body alignment and overall posture.
Increased physical and mental well being.
Improved posture, coordination and balance.